Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Birth Experience

As some of you know, when I became pregnant I immersed myself in literature about pregnancy nutrition and natural childbirth.  I was fanatic about it; I bought chia seeds for their omega three fatty acids, I took an extra 200mg of DHA because doctors now recommend 400-600mg per day, and made sure I was getting enough protein.  I made up my mind in the first trimester that I wanted to try to have the baby naturally, without any drugs. 

As I read and learned I became very against induction which is mainly done through the use of Pitocin.  Pitocin dilates your cervix and speeds up labor, but this also makes your contractions more intense...who wants that?!  If your body is not ready for labor, Pitocin will just be the beginning of the interventions; cesarian, vacuum, etc. 

I found a great DVD called the Business of Being Born.  While there are some aspects of the movie that do not apply to me...I am not really into home birth, the overall message is really good "your body was meant to do this". 

I went into labor in the early evening on a Friday and on October 30th at 12:53am Logan arrived.  The labor was fast and my contractions were back to back with no rest.  I am not going to lie, there were times where I doubted my ability and I was seriously considering getting an epidural.  My Husband, Mom, and Sister were there to help me stay on course!

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